Page 129

14 thoughts on “Page 129

  1. aww… he cares! Oh wait. SHINY! heh.

  2. He’s in the corner to make sure he doesn’t accidentally hurt Meela again. He’s AWESOME!!!!!

  3. Oooooooo~~~It’s a shiney! :D

  4. I guess he ended up on the floor anyways…he should have listened to Meela in the first place. But I love his sensitive side.

  5. I wonder why he did- SHINY.

  6. I think I have the plot figure o- SPARKLE!

  7. Wow you all fail epicly getting distracted by the shiny but me that nev- SQUIRREL!!! *clears throat* Never happens to me.

  8. Poor Feral he must rellay care about Meela in some way

  9. he looks ssssoooo innocent when he sleeps

  10. SHINY :D

  11. I still feel bad for Feral. He seemed like he didn’t mean to do that, so he ends up staying as physically far as the wall would let him.

  12. D’aww, he put himself in the corner like a bad Fluffy T3T

  13. Omg, the face of Feral sleeping- too adorable I wanna hug him right noooooooooooooow T__T

  14. She still got the bed anyways.

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