Page 386

And here it is, the final page! Wow! We want to thank everybody for reading, whether you've been with us from the beginning or just now found the comic. It's been wonderful to receive so much love and kind words from you all every week! All things must come to an end, but rest assured that Meela, Feral, Holland, Piper and Jyaku all have many more adventures ahead of them in their world. Though the story is over, our adventure isn't quite finished yet. We're hosting a Kickstarter to fund the printed version of Volume 3 and we hope you'll lend your support! Please be sure to continue on to the next page for the Kickstarter link and end of comic Q&A!

65 thoughts on “Page 386

  1. After following this comic for the past 4.5 years, I can honestly say I don’t know what I’ll do every Friday morning. Thank you both so much for creating such a beautiful story… I’m looking forward to seeing your new projects!

    1. Read paranatural, that’s what you’ll do on Friday mornings now.

  2. the first time I comment, since almost I can’t ever remember the number….also as Sarah, what I’m going todo know? I will remember you, girls. Bye!

  3. *clutches chest*
    ahh, my heart

  4. I’ve got a question. What happened to Pepper?

  5. I’ve been following this comic since highschool. I’m going to miss these two! :(

  6. I’ve been with you guys since chapter one…. I’m going to miss this story. Can’t wait to see what you guys have planned for us next, though!

  7. So, finally that story I found while lying in bed that has inspired me so much has come to a close.

    Thanks for the memories.

  8. It’s a bittersweet day… I’ve been following this comic for years, so I am sad to see it end! “Strays” has been a huge inspiration for me and a delightful adventure to read. Seeing the characters and art develop has been a treat. Some of my favorite memories are from watching y’all stream the pages. (As well as staying up into the wee hours of Friday morning, waiting for the newest page to be posted. Haha!) I’m sad to see the comic end so soon, but I’m excited for y’all with whatever y’all decide to do next.

    Totally excited about the Kickstarter too. Hope y’all meet all the stretch goals. ;)

    Thanks for sharing y’all’s characters and world with us! These characters will live on in my imagination and will continue to come to life every time I read the volumes!

    ~Rosie <3

    So sad! Why everything have to be a end?

    Thank you so much for this comics, it will always be in my heart.
    Is my favorite comic ever! I’m following this comics since 2011, I fell in love on the first page and I think its the best comic of the world ahahaha

    Thank you so much for the memories and for your hard work to create something so beautiful and creative and letting us read for free.

    Congratulations for finishing! Can’t wait for more of your work.

    Oh, and I’m from Brazil, just saying to you know how your work touch many people of diferent country.

    Sorry for my bad english.


  10. Sad to see it end, but happy at the least. :) Followed it faithfully and quietly since 2008 or so, when you posted up the Christmas Feral and Meela drawing, and been loving it since.

    Sincerely, thank you two for sharing this marvel. c:

  11. Thanks for the memories everyone. I still re-read and constantly cry. I’ll still love my Holland baby and I these two wolves will never cease to amaze me. Thank you so much for an amazing story.

  12. What a beautiful ending! I can’t wait for the epilogue. I will be looking forward to your new works :3 and donating to the Kickstarter too. This was a great adventure, thank you for sharing with us.

  13. Suspennnsseeeeeeeeee

    I found Strays back in early 2013, and I fell in love with the characters and the art has just improved over time. Ive never supported a kickstarter before , but this might change for Strays <3 Thank you guys for this wonderful and emotional journey !!!

  14. I’ve been here since the beginning, and I must say, it’s been a great ride. I’m honestly tearing up a bit, but I’m excited to see new stories and adventures from you guys!!

  15. i’ve been following you for the past 2 year. It was a pleasure to read. I thank you for all the smiles you put on my face, and all the tears in my eyes.

  16. I´ve been following this Comic since around page 20 and I love every single bit of it. Thank you for this wonderful story with awesome characters! I´ll miss to wake up to a new page every friday but I´m curious what your next project woll be =)

  17. You know what? I was really sad about the ending of this and hoped it would be amazing.
    This page is beautiful, its given me chills and ends amazingly well [:
    Thank you all for your hard work over the years! Theres been so much effort and love put into this comic, it shows and I think all your fans are proud of how far you’ve all come [: Thank you

  18. …and right now the radio over here is playing “Whole Again” by Atomic Kitten… *sniff*
    Thank you for a terrific ride!

  19. It’s been a great ride, I loved it a lot. Thanks for the amazing comic. :D
    I’ll just leave this here…

  20. I’ve never commented before, even though I’ve been reding this comic for years. I just wanted to say thank you! This is possibly one of my favourite web comics of all time. This always made my Fridays extra special and I kind of feel like a part of my heart is missing now. It was quite the adventure and I’m so glad I could come along for the ride. Once again I say: Thank you!

  21. Well, it’s been a long ride! I remember starting to read this comic back in 2008… I’m about to graduate from university this year! Thanks for making such a lovely comic over the years and I look forward to your new projects! Xx

  22. Thank you for giving this to us. It’s been wonderful.

  23. I only found this a couple months ago, and will look forward to any future work.

  24. I’ve been following this comic for years. I’ve seen the art style and characters gradually develop along with the story from amazing to stunning. I wish you luck in future endeavours. Thank you for a wonderful story – it’s been a real pleasure :)

  25. I knew it’s going to be over, but it’s still… strange. Wow. I have to say, it’s been a great ride you’ve given us. Thank you!

  26. First time commenter-
    I just want to thank you so much for the journey.

  27. Thank you again for making such an awesome comic! I can’t wait to see the next series you do! <3

  28. I’m gonna miss it so much. qnq

    Time to reread the whole thing! :D

  29. After scream/crying for the last couple of minutes I have been able to put my thoughts together in order to write a goodbye comment. I – like many here – have been following Strays since its beginning. Though I came in just a little bit later. Ever since then I would look forward to my Friday mornings excited to see what is going to happen to our heroes in the Strays universe. We all cheered, laughed, cried, and groaned. We created theories and some made ships. We became invested in these characters lives! However even though the pages are going to stop that doesn’t mean the story of Meela, Feral, Holland and all the others is going to end. No, the story of our strays will continue on in our memories, in our art, and possibly fanfictions. Through the Strays comic some of us have made friends and even developed the AFC which I hope will be continually used in other fandoms that we all move on to. Celesse and Algy I want to thank you for this great adventure. It was fun – and sometimes painful – to watch these characters grow and change over time. Discovering backstories, plot twists, and not to mention the two questions that had been plaguing us for most of the comic. Its sad to think that this is going to come to an end but that is what makes stories great, their ending. If a story were to continue forever we would have grown tired of it and start to ask when will it be over? So though it is bittersweet to wave goodbye to Meela as she goes to better her skills and to part ways with Holland and Feral as they move on with their lives, it was a blast having them in ours. Thank you for giving us Strays a home.

  30. Ah, I can’t believe it’s actually over! I discovered Strays during my freshman year of high school and have been following it religiously ever since (I’m a sophomore in college now!). It has been such a natural part of my schedule it’ll feel weird not to have a new page to look forward to every friday. I can look back at pages and remember where I was in my life when it came out; like ‘oh, I was having a really rough week when that page came out,’ or ‘man, I was on vacation when this one was published,”! Waiting a whole week for the next page when there was a cliffhanger was torture, and the month long hiatus you guys took was one of the longest months of my life! There were many weeks where this comic was the only thing keeping me going; I would say to myself “You can do it, only 3 more days until you get to see the next page of Strays!” I don’t even know how many time’s I’ve reread the whole thing out of frustration and anxiety! I used to wish I could travel forward in time to see what Meela and Feral’s secrets were and how everything would turn out, but now I sort of miss those times when it was so full of mystery and anticipation. That being said, I wouldn’t trade the journey you guys took me on for anything. While this comic has been a huge part of my life and I will severely miss it, I understand that you guys have to move on to other things. Thank you both, Celesse and Algy, for touching my life so much (it feels so weird, it’s almost like you guys are my close friends even though we’ve never met, and like Meela and the gang are my family, even though they aren’t real). I will be supporting you guys in all of your future projects, no matter what you decide to do!

  31. I just want to say thank you for this comic. I found Strays back when it first started, half way through the first chapter I believe, and I was in love. This has been one of my favorite webcomics for so long if feels, I’ll miss it but it was a lovely journey you guys gave us, thank you for that. Reading this comic helped me grow my own art and writing style even more and helped me meet some friends and introduce this comic to other friends. It was a fun journey. Thank you. <3

  32. I’ve never commented before but I feel that it is absolutely necessary for me to say a few words.
    This story has been with me through all of high school, and I looked forward to the treat of a new page every Friday. The style, the backgrounds and the characters were amazing and inspirations, in both art and life. Of course, life must move on and things must come to an end, but this comic will never cease to hold a special place in my heart.
    Thank you so very, very much for all your effort and dedication!

  33. I love how you ended it. Good story, well done, thank you for sticking with this and sharing it with us for so long. We’ve all loved it. Some of us grew u with it. Thank you!

    *sniff* shush it’s my allergies!

  34. DigitalBraveStudios

    I found out about the comic about a month ago from a friend. I’m sad that I discovered this comic too late. I really enjoyed reading it though, I hope you guys go on to do great things after this.

  35. I’m really gonna miss this comic, it was such a nice thing to have on Fridays. Thank you guys so much for making this story, I enjoyed every moment of it.

  36. Been a follower since Chapter 2, never commented but figured I should now.
    Thank you two for this amazing story! My Friday mornings will feel incomplete for awhile

  37. Thank you for the years of fun you have given me. The new updates have always been something I was looking forward to. I still cannot believe it ended. Now I need to find something new to get addicted to ;A;

    Thank you for the extra pages you added, they gave me some much needed time to process that the story was indeed ending.

    Greetings and lots of hugs to the creator of this amazing story.

    I feel like this story has been a friend that got me to some emotional and dark times in high school.

    One last question. Now that it has finished, will the site stay online?

  38. <3 Beautiful!

    I pledged $20 for your kickstarter! Best wishes you two, both with the kickstarter and your future projects!

  39. must… petition… for… part… two….. grown up meela coming back…. O_O MUST!!!!

  40. Thank you for sharing this story with us!!!

  41. Wonderful comic. I only caught the tail end (heh) of the live updates, but love the whole story. Thank you for all of your hard work through the years.

  42. Thank you guys for an amazing comic! I will follow you on other sites and the kickstarter and I think you will have a hard time making something as butiful, meaningfull for us fans as Strays, and yes, that is a challange ;)
    I’ve had an on again, off again relationship to Strays since 2009. always coming back to find new amazing pages and for the last two years you have been a part of my weekend. I will miss Strays but I think this last page is amazing and I like the hopefull open ending seen here. It is beautiful.
    Love and hugs from Sweden

  43. I’ve been reading this comic off and on for a long time now, I still remember being introduced to it in elementary school by my sister. Amazing storytelling, deep characters, and beautiful artwork has made this a story I will never forget. I usually don’t read comics, and probably won’t unless you continue this story, but I’m glad I did read this. Thanks for all the work, I know your passion and drive will make you successful wherever you go.

  44. Omg thank you for the amazing story, especially that you actually finished it and didn’t quit half way or took years of hiatus! ^W^ I really admire tenacity, but then again it must have been an interesting project, too.

  45. I’ve been following the comic since 2008. I’ve even spent some time on the streams you did, and made some friends there. You were always an inspiration.
    Thank you for all these years you provided us with great content. I’ve had a wonderful time.

  46. I still don’t feel like this is quite the proper ending to sch a great concert. I understand you guys have been doing this for a while and you’re probably getting tired of it but I still don’t feel satisfied knowing this is the end. I feel as if this comic has landed on a sudden stop. There are still many questions linguring, as if this were a volume ending, not a complete finale but thank you so much for sticking with it an creating an overall amazing comic.

  47. Thanks so much for making this amazing series! I’ll be patiently waiting for your next project! :)

  48. Congratulations for a job well done guys. :D Can’t wait to see your next project!

  49. Best series ever! I fell in love with this from the very beginning. Wishing you the best and can’t wait to see what you have to show us next! (Even if we have to wait a year!)

  50. Thank you both for the lovely comic. Read it since it started but never comments. Just wanted to let you know that I loves every word and illustration. You brought these characters to life and it is sad to see them go. Like everyone else I cannot wait to see what comes next, until that day I will have to be happily fill my weekend with Gamercat.

  51. Thank you for sharing this story with us!

  52. Thanks for the great story. And thanks for telling a story with a definite end, instead of tailing off or abandoning it, like what happens to too many good web-comics

  53. I’ve been reading this comic since the night of the party before Meela got poisoned, it was the first webcomic I ever read. It makes my heart ache to see it ending and to have to say goodbye to the characters who have affected my life so much. Thank you.

  54. Godamnit, I’m in tears.
    When I first heard this comic was going to end, I thought that it was too sudden, too incomplete – but now, after seeing this last page, I’m satisfied. This story was beautiful, and I’m really going to miss dropping by every Friday to watch these cuties grow and learn. Thank you for making such a beautiful story! It’s made me laugh and cry countless times. I hope I’ll be able to donate, and I’m looking forward to seeing your talent in the future!

    I’m going to go cry some more now.

  55. Like all those other anime’s that took a plot Hiatus. One piece was gone for two years and now this is the same.

  56. Oh wow, didn’t realize I’ve been following this comic for over 4 years until I read a comment I made in 2011 o_O

    Anyway, just wanted to chime in to thank you for a great comic. I loved the story and the art and I hope this isn’t the last we see of Strays online. And I will make sure to keep an eye out for any future projects you might participate in ;)


  58. this was such a great comic ;~; thank you for sharing this story with us!!

  59. I need therapy and a kind kinky significant other

    Welp, there goes my purpose in life

  60. Lee of Team Avatar

    It’s over.

  61. I love this comic. I keep rereading it once every ~3 months, and I cry at the end every time. :,)

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