Page 396

And this concludes the epilogue, and thus, the comic itself :) Thank you so much for reading! And remember, if you'd like to own physical copies of the comic you can purchase the books at (Continue forward to the next page for our closing letter)

17 thoughts on “Page 396

  1. Looks like even after three years Feral still has a temper and can’t seem to handle some light teasing.
    But never mind him giving it back to Meela!

  2. This has been one of my favorite things through the last years. I’m sorry to see it end, but you’ve done such a wonderful job from start to finish. Thanks for the great comic. I’ll always treasure this site and the books. <3

  3. So I’ve been reading this since the page where Meela and Feral find the old guy in his house with the gun went up, however long thats been,
    And let me just say

    Congratulations on completing it. Really. Awesome, awesome job.

  4. i am in love with that last panel. it is the perfect epilogue to an amazing story. i have been reading since early on in chapter 3, and it is stunning to watch the artwork evolve and improve, i want to thank you all so much for keeping with the story.

  5. I just love happy endings.
    It’s been great.

  6. Thank you guys! This has been the best.

  7. Now that we’ve come so far,
    How can we ever start again?
    Memories will lead us back,
    Instead we just pretend…

  8. Is that Piper in the last pannel? ;)
    I think so!
    Love Meela’s look! Adorable! Just like Feral! Glad you made this epilogue! :D

    1. wheres Piper in the last panel??

      1. Sorry I just saw the message. Left on the last pannel, behind the blond man, there’s someone who looks like Pipper with a cap.

  9. I loved this comic. sad to see it ended. Do you have anything else planned? a new story?

  10. the feels for seeing this comic (which I’ve rad since high school) finally end makes me so sad! ;w;

  11. Farewell, and goodnight, dear friends.

    1. oh thank goodness im not the only one finding this amazing
      webcomic series in November ‘-‘

  12. Absolutely good epilogue! When we look Meela’s face… She look happy, we also be happy and enjoy this reading. I am REALLY happy for your comic is completed. I know, full-color comic isn’t easy, and a lot work. Thank you for your work! It made me happy at ending! We also love you so much more than biggest. Unfortunately, Meela’s mother can’t go with her that would be Meela be happy to see, BUT it’s very dangerous if she loses her very valuable, will upset, better forget about mom, and be friend with Feral. :) We love your comic real much! Thank you thank you, i was finally first time to see Meela all time. She ALWAYS smile! Thank you so much! Love ya so much, because we are your readers and fans of you!

  13. that was… amazing.


  14. Wow, I’ve been reading this series off and on! I think I met the creator at a Jerry Art O Rama store one time (nice girl!) I really love how this wrapped up and would love to see this even animated into an animated film or two. Even as a 13 episode series would be great as well! I’ve enjoyed this journey very much! ^_^

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